Design Systems

Developed and nurtured the practice of building design systems for Manual Labor’s clients. These design systems and guidelines for the language that we create are sketched at the start of the client engagement and serve as a living document while concepts and considerations are being developed. 

Design Strategy

Exploring and studying developed systems: Building process for creating design systems > Analyzing and testing design systems and design language for continuous improvement.

In helping our client partner understand design systems and modular design we created physical samples to help build different page types.

In helping our client partner understand design systems and modular design we created physical samples to help build different page types.

The Result

Design systems have matured and are now part of Manual Labor’s offering to clients. These systems have also been elevated to help take some of our client’s more complex concepts and translate them into simplified language that users can understand. 


Early Design Systems

An early design system specimen created for a technology client. The focus in the early stages of the discipline was to create a small modular library for the client.

Additional effort was focused on getting the Manual Labor team familiar with laying the groundwork for the discipline.


Evolving the Discipline

A design system, with an emphasis on simple shapes and colors created to help communicate the client's different offerings.  The client was able to take their design system and apply its language to marketing materials such as sales decks and one-pagers.

The Manual Labor team began to expand the basic shape of the system to create print marketing material for the client.


Expanding Into Complex Modular Systems

We worked with our client to create a complex, modular design system that would enable various teams and business units to build upon the system to create both on and off-line assets.

This complex system solidified building design systems and design language as one of Manual Labor’s offerings.
